Blue Mountains Therapies

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Working with Couples

Couples Counselling


Working with couples encompasses gathering perspective on a range of areas of a couple’s life:

- Background: how long have the couple been married/together? Is this their first marriage?

- When did the couple notice things started to go wrong in the relationship in a significant way?

- Does the couple have children? Are there blended family situations?

- What other life pressures are affecting the relationship? (eg. financial pressures, work stress, children being difficult, an illness or a major health concern in the family).


Working with a couple is primarily focussed on identifying the main areas of difficulty or crises in there lives that is impacting their relationship.

Sessions are focussed on the couple understanding these areas of difficulty with each other.


“Listening to each other and being heard in the sessions, without blame and shame is very useful. A couples counsellor is there to facilitate this.”


Each person in the relationship may have similar struggles to their partner as well as different struggles.


Couples may be able to identify the everyday pressures they are experiencing. How to not turn these pressures into relationship problems is usually when couples seek assistance and perspective from a couple’s counsellor.


Some couples come to couples counselling for help to break up. Some come for early intervention and de-escalation. Other couples want to bring more meaning & love into the relationship again. Working on your couple’s relationship will also improve family life with your children too.


During corona virus online sessions for couples are available.

Call to enquire and make a booking.


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